Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Christmas Lesson

I had an interesting conversation with Parker yesterday that I wanted to share. I adopted an child from the Angel Tree the same age as Parker with the same interests. The idea was to help Parker understand the meaning of Christmas through giving to an underprivileged child. I began by explaining to Parker why we were buying for this little boy. I decided to explain things as simple as possible and started by explaining that this little boy's parents did not have jobs. I went on to say that Santa would bring one gift to him, but that would probably be all he got. He was signed up for this program in hopes that someone, such as us, who had a little to give, would buy him something special for Christmas morning. I went through all the people that buy for Parker at Christmas and told him that this little boy didn't have all those people, so WE were going to get him something special to help make his Christmas morning special. Here is the dialog that took place after the explanation:

ME: This little boy likes Spiderman and Iron Man just like you. What would you like to get for him?

PARKER: quite and obviously deep in thought. (This was it, I just knew he was going to say something sweet such as "We can give him some of my presents...) "Mom, I wish you didn't have a job so that other people could buy me presents"

Great!!! Lesson learned...for me!!


Sarah said...

Too cute...Kids say the darndest things! I'm impressed you even tried! Good for you Court!

Lincoln said...

Oh my...I was ready to pull my hair out and thought I would check out your blog for a cool down...thank goodness I did...I haven't stopped laughing! Love you!